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Brooks Family and Behind Closed Doors (Paperback Bundle)

Brooks Family and Behind Closed Doors (Paperback Bundle)

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Brooks Family Saga-Synopsis

Kiss of Redemption

He spent ten years in prison, framed for killing his best friend—my brother.

Beckett Brooks wasn't just cute—he was beautiful.

He’s never denied what happened that night.

So why did he push me down to save me?

After I woke up in a hospital bed, my grandparents hid me from the world.

Everyone on the island thought I died.

Now Beckett’s been paroled.

He’s made it clear he only wants me.

Time has made him sexy as sin.

I should stay far away—I can’t.

Yet there’s a reason Beckett never told the truth.

And the past is still trying to destroy us.

Sins of Justice

I’ll stop at nothing until I learn his biggest secret, one I know will destroy his life…

Yet I’m unprepared for Ryland Brooks.

The heat in his eyes…his commands…his sizzling touch… It’s too much to ignore.

But I have to.

He’s part of my investigation and my vendetta isn’t only because of my job.

It’s personal.

So I won't let my feelings deter me.

But Ryland’s a magnet drawing me toward him, causing deep cravings that won’t disappear, only growing hotter the more I resist them.

Once I cross the line, there’s no going back even though he’s hiding something from me.

The more I dig, the more it’s clear everything I thought I knew about myself might be wrong.

And Ryland isn’t making anything easy for me.

Acts of Manipulation

The head of the gang declared, kidnapped, and ripped me away from the love of my life and family.

Sid’s a monster, but not to me.

He tells me he loves me and will die for me.

And he claims it’s my choice—love him or choose not to.

No matter what he says, I can’t stop yearning to feel Javier’s arms and lips on me.

Nor can I forget the future he promised me, no matter how much Sid pressures me.

And the consequences of not picking Sid will kill my family and Javier.

All I want is for him to come rescue me before I have to do the unforgivable.

But I’m running out of time.

Web of Betrayal

Most women can’t handle my filthy, bossy mouth under the sheets.

So when I agree to take in the woman who was rescued with my sister, I fight my demons.

Every moment I spend with Lena, the cravings for her grow.

I need to stop them.

She was declared and forced to marry a monster. The last thing she needs is another man telling her what to do.

And when my ex-girlfriend shows up and has to live with us to give Lena intensive therapy, she claims she wants me back.

All I want is Lena.

Yet Kate’s sneaky. And Lena insists Kate knows things she shouldn’t. Things that have to do with the Twisted Hearts.

I can’t wrap my mind around it.

But betrayal is sneaky.

Masks of Devotion

Kade Coral was my brother's best friend and always in my life—until he wasn’t.

We flirted for years and finally confessed our love.

Six hours after I woke up in his arms, he moved.

Three years have passed and not one word from him.

And no one recreates the zings I had with Kade.

That includes party boy Fisher Corbyn who wants to get serious with me.

Then Kade arrives, swearing he never stopped loving me but full of secrets and lies he claims are for my protection. And he declares Fisher’s unsafe.

My brain says Fisher’s harmless.

Kade’s the one who’s dangerous for my heart.

Or is he?

Roots of Vengeance

Falling in love with my target isn’t part of the assignment. 

Yet nothing about Connor is average.

Not his looks, or kisses, or spine tingling touches.

But I shatter his heart and mine when he discovers my secret.

My actions are unforgivable.

I’ve crossed the line of no return. The only way to keep going is to dive further into my secret life.

So I order my boss to assign me to the most dangerous men.

Until every Twisted Heart ceases to exist, I won’t stop.

Time drags me deep into the underworld.

I can't pull myself out.

Then Connor reappears.

No matter what has happened, our fire is hotter than ever.

He begs me to choose him and get out while I can.

How can I when I’ve already sunk too far?

Kiss of Redemption-Prologue

Redemption occurs by clearing your debt. Absolution for a sin that isn’t yours can turn you into the exact opposite of what you once were. At least, that’s my personal journey through hell.

“Beckett Brooks, do you feel that you’ve rehabilitated over the last ten years and are no longer a threat to society?” the lady wearing a navy-pinstripe suit and blue glasses, whose nameplate says Judge Filmore, asks me.

Society. What do I know about society anymore? How much has changed on the outside?

“Yes, ma’am. I wish to live an honest life of peace and contribute to my community.”

“Is there anything you would like to say today to your victim’s family?” She points behind me.

I didn’t do it, and I wish you could know the truth about what happened.

I spin behind me. My mouth goes dry and pulse increases. The last decade inside hasn’t given me anyone to look at, and most of my memories are faded and gone regarding any of the teenage girls I ever felt anything for. She looks familiar, but I’ve surely never seen her before, and it’s as if God himself opens up the gates of heaven and says, “Here’s your reward for going down for a crime you didn’t commit.”

Long black curls frame her porcelain, flawless skin. And eyes like the ocean—at least what I remember of it—drill into the depths of my soul. But not the darkness of the sea. The bright blueish-green color you’d find in the Caribbean or off the shores of some parts of Florida. I’d seen those eyes in the past on only one person, but she is dead. This woman has a mouth so lush, I can’t help but stare at it until her lip begins to shake, ripping me out of my trance.

Get your head out of your dick and remember where you are so you can get out of this hellhole, Beckett.

She is blinking back tears.

My heart breaks, watching her experience her pain.

Who is she? Why have I not seen her before? Where are Clay’s grandparents?

“Ma’am.” I nod at her and take another deep breath. She hates me. Understandably so. She thinks I killed her loved one. “I’m truly sorry for the involvement I had in your…” I turn to the parole panel. “I apologize, but I’ve not seen this woman before. What is the relation?”

Judge Filmore says, “Sister.”

My head snaps back to her, and the blood draining from my face gives me the chills. “Mia? You’re alive?”

She wipes at tears streaming down her cheeks, and I blink back my own.

How is this possible? They told me she died.

I would give anything to comfort her and tell her what happened so she no longer hates me. But I can’t.

What do you know anyway? You thought they murdered her, too.

“Please make your statement or turn back around. And address the victim’s family as ma’am or miss,” the judge instructs me.

I swallow hard, scanning her eyes. “Ma’am, if I could have a do-over, I would. I cannot tell you the remorse I have in my heart regarding your brother’s death. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about that night and not one will.”

I will her not to hate me, to somehow magically know that I did not kill her brother. I expect to see a disgust for me in her eyes, but all I see is her pain, and it shatters me to the core.

How old is she? She was only thirteen and would have been fourteen in the fall...

The judge clears her throat. “Mr. Brooks, please face me.”

I turn around, the chains on my legs clashing against each other, reminding me why I am standing in this room.

Focus, Beckett.

“Is there anything you would like to say, Ms. Crimson?”

I keep my head straight even though I want to look at her again.

“No,” she says so quietly I almost don’t hear her, but her voice drips honey and everything sweet.

The judge addresses me. “Mr. Beckett Brooks, the State of Florida is granting you early release for good behavior. It is my sincere hope you do not make us regret this decision. In the next forty-eight hours, the paperwork will be filed, and you will be a free man, with time served for your crime. More information will be given to you regarding the steps to stay in good standing with your parole requirements. Do you have anything further to say?”

She’s letting me out?

“Thank you, your honor. You will not regret this.”

“I hope not.” She bangs the gavel, and an officer takes my arm to escort me back to prison.

On my way out, I glance over at Mia. Tears pour down her porcelain cheeks.

How is she alive? Does she know I didn’t do it? Why is this the first time she’s been here? Who knows she’s here?

The guard tells me, “Look where you’re going, Brooks.”

Through the doors we step, and the slamming of the metal echoes behind us. The muggy Florida weather fills my lungs, reminding me of the stale air I’ve breathed within the prison walls for the last ten years.

I’m led to a police van where the half-hour journey back to hell begins.

Only forty-eight hours, and then you’re a free man. You can put all of this behind you.

It’s a lie. Warnings have plagued me for the past decade, reminding me of what’s next. They will surely know I’m out.

I need to get to them before they get to me. And now they will be after Mia.

My vengeance is waiting for me on the outside.

Behind Closed Doors-Synopsis

Depths of Destruction

She’s a Secret Treasure of War…

It’s a routine mission in Belize. 

Get in, get out, save the women.

Then I see Naomi’s photo and watch her hostage video.

A ache...a desire so deep for her heats up my blood and annihilates me.

Then I meet her.

It accelerates my thirst, riling up my inner beast.

She’s an investigative reporter and knows things she shouldn’t.

But all the women have secrets...knowledge about a global force so powerful the world will implode with greed. 

Freedom will no longer exist.

Instead of delivering her, we run.

The heat of the jungle is a blow torch demolishing my restraint, until I have to make her mine.

But enemies lurk everywhere. 

After it’s over, I’ll have to piece her back together again.

Marks of Rebellion

He Stole Her Freedom and Wants Her Back…

In the darkness of the night, she climbed out of the dirt pit and tugged on heartstrings I didn’t even know I had. 

There’s no slow-burn for her. 

It’s a full-speed freight train of desire mixing with the jungle heat. 

Her touch brings me to my knees. 

Her intoxicating kisses flood adrenaline in my veins. 

But it’s not just about us. 

Her ex will do anything to get her back. 

He’s powerful and he has eyes everywhere. 

No matter where we go, people are watching. 

And the moment I drop my guard, I lose her. 

When I rescue her this time, he’ll pay for every mark he’s ever put on her.

Haze of Obedience

She’s Mesmerized Me For Decades From Afar…

My mission is to rescue the Zoe Diego, a famous Latina pop star who went missing fourteen months ago. 

I already know about her. She’s my favorite entertainer and her voice hypnotized me since my early twenties. 

I underrated her beauty from afar. 

Stunning doesn’t come close. 

But she’s sassy. 

I give it back to her as good as she gives it to me. 

And the angst between us only creates a deeper craving to make her mine. 

The Global Leaders have forced themselves upon her, stealing her choices, and making her their slave in more ways than one. 

They will do anything to get her back. 

So I’ll risk everything I’ve worked for and my life, to navigate the jungle and save her.

Cavern of Silence

Self-Sacrificing Love Doesn’t Happen Twice...But Then I Rescued Her…

Our baggage should keep us apart. 

But when a match is struck against the box, there’s no stopping the igniting of the flame. 

She awakens the man I thought died. 

But there’s an animal in me and it’s not just carnal. 

He’s a sinner who takes rage and turns it into ruthlessness. 

Not on her, but anyone who tries to hurt her. 

And when I fail to get her to safety, my captor gives me an option. 

But there’s only one choice. 

She tries to stop him. I fight to save her. 

With every victory, comes losses. 

But all the men who have ever hurt her will pay. 

It’ll be with my bare hands in the hopes I’ll someday hold her again.

Stains of Desire

Everything about this mission is a first. 

The hemisphere we’re in. 

The lack of direction from headquarters. 

The stunning redhead I rescue and inappropriate thoughts I can’t keep to myself.

But the filthier my mouth becomes, the more she responds to me. 

Then I learn about her daughter. 

Santiago kidnapped them together, then ripped Millie away and used her as a tool to make Penelope obey him. 

I vow I will find Millie and deliver her to safety. 

But the clock is ticking. 

And Penelope makes me promise her something I don’t want to. 

If I make good on this promise to her, the window to save her could close. 

I risk losing her forever. 

There is no choice. I have to save them both or die trying.

Risks of Temptation

Innocent and quiet is how everyone sees her. 

I did too. 

But the world has underestimated her.

She can’t stand any man’s touch—except mine. 

Once she has it, there isn’t anything else she craves. 

And I’m unable to resist any of her wishes. 

But powerful men see her innocence. 

They will do anything to have her. 

And there’s nowhere to run except straight into the pit of the fire. 

We’ll both have to do things we despise. 

No amount of training can prepare for the evil in front of us. 

And I have to break her. 

She knows it. She agreed to it. 

She convinced me it’s the only way out. 

Somehow, we have to survive, escape, and put each other back together. 

Hopefully, all the pieces fit again.

Depths of Destruction-Prologue

Agent Andre Lòpez

In the depths of destruction, there is no moral right or wrong. It doesn't exist. 

You seek to kill.

You act to survive.

You don't pause to figure out how to do less damage in order to rebuild.

When it's over, you finally breathe. 

The consequences of those decisions are sometimes hidden, easy to forget. Then there are the ones you can't escape. They're right in front of you, and you're cornered. You have to pick one road or another.

No one told me beauty would be possible in the chaos. That an angel could be surrounded by sin. That the hierarchy I follow, which always made sense in the past, would no longer be worthy of my trust.

My job was simple—don't ask questions and follow orders.

For over twenty years, that's exactly what I did.

Then I rescued her. A treasure of war so valuable, her future didn't matter—at least not to the powers that be. They wanted me to deliver her to use her as a negotiation tool in their invisible battle for power. I didn't know that when I risked my life to remove her from her prison.

The moment I saw her picture, something happened to me. There was a stirring, an unveiling, an was all for her. And then I met her.

When I arrived back at camp, the intentions of my leaders became clear. I didn't save her from hell. I only rotated it in a different direction.

There are forty-eight hours until her transfer. This fork in my road will make me a traitor or a so-called hero. The last twenty-seven years of my career will be celebrated or spit on by everyone I have ever worked with or known.

But you have to look in the mirror and then close your eyes at night. It's not possible to lie to yourself about the decisions you've made. 

My visions are clear. They're of her and the life she deserves to have, not the one greedy, vile men are planning for her.

Find out how the Brooks Family and Behind Closed Doors are connected with these two paperback bundles.

Print Books included in this Bundle are:

Brooks Family Saga

  • Kiss of Redemption (Beckett and Mia)
  • Sins of Justice (Ryker and Chloe)
  • Acts of Manipulation (Gabriella and Javier)
  • Web of Betrayal (Hudson and Lena)
  • Masks of Devotion (Gracie and Kade)
  • Roots of Venengence (Connor and Gia)

Behind Closed Doors

  • Depths of Destruction (Andre and Naomi)
  • Marks of Rebellion (Hunter and Vanessa)
  • Haze of Obedience (Dirk and Zoe)
  • Cavern of Silence (Ryker and Julieta)
  • Stains of Desire (Axel and Penelope)
  • Risks of Temptation (Malin and Emilia)


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